Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Some of the frequently asked questions that our clients ask us.

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Is the top included with the table?

The table top is not included with your elevating desk.

As you may have seen, we sell the tops separately from the lift table.

Because? Because each one wants to make their desk to measure: both in the measurements of the board, as well as in the finish, the color, etc.

Therefore, you can buy the board from us on this website, or you can buy it on your own in another store or at a local carpenter: any wooden board 120-180cm wide / 60-80cm deep and at least 2cm is compatible. thick , to which to screw the table.

¿Qué diferencia hay entre la Tablakala de 1 motor y de 2 motores?

Buena pregunta. Nos la hacen mucho :)

Las diferencias son las siguientes:

  1. El rango de elevación de la Tablakala 2 Motores es de 62cm a 127cm (recomendado para personas de 155 a 205cm de altura). El rango de elevación de la Tablakala 1 Motor es de 71cm a 121cm (recomendado para personas de 160cm a 195cm de altura).
  2. La Tablakala 2 Motores es más robusta. Las patas son un centímetro más anchas, la mesa pesa más (28kg vs 20kg) y por tanto, es más estable. La estabilidad de la Tablakala 1 Motor es muy buena; la estabilidad de la Tablakala 2 Motores es Excelente ("la más estable del mercado").
  3. La Tablakala 2 Motores soporta hasta 100kg de peso. La Tablakala 1 Motor soporta hasta 70kg de peso. Si trabajas con 1 pantalla y 1 portátil, te sobra con la Tablakala 1 Motor. Si trabajas con 2 ó 3 pantallas además del portátil, te recomendamos mejor la Tablakala 2 Motores.
  4. Tableros compatibles: la Tablakala 2 Motores: tableros de ancho 110-180cm y de fondo 60-80cm / la Tablakala 1 Motor: tableros de ancho 100-160cm y de fondo 50-80cm. En ambos casos, tableros de espesor mínimo 1,9cm. En ambos casos, puedes comprar un tablero en nuestra misma web, o colocar un tablero a tu gusto que sea compatible. 
  5. La Tablakala 2  Motores es más rápida en el movimiento: 3,5 cm/segundo vs. 2,5cm/segundo de la Tablakala 1 Motor.
  6. El precio también es diferente.

En cuanto a los puntos comunes de ambos modelos:

  1. Cuatro posiciones de memoria, en las que memorizar tus alturas.
  2. Función anti-colisión: si el escritorio está en movimiento y se topa con algún objeto, rebota y se para, para evitar accidentes.
  3. Empresa española: entrega desde almacén en España con envío rápido. Atención al cliente localmente desde en España.

Are there assembly and operating instructions?

Of course. They come in the box, but apart from that, we can send them to you by email, so that you always have them at hand.

The instructions include a section on "Resolving frequent problems", in case, for example, you need to factory reset the control (sometimes, it is necessary to reset it to the factory after a power outage, for example).

An important comment: for the anti-collision function to work correctly: you must assemble the table completely (and fix the control box under the table top).

During assembly, it is possible that you have some extra screws from those that come in the box, it is normal.

How long does assembly require?

We are not going to lie to you: it does not take 8 minutes, as some brand out there says.

It takes our customers an average of 40 minutes to unpack the order, assemble the table frame and fix the top. If you are very handy, it will take about 30 minutes. If you are one of those who prefer to ride calmly, up to 1 hour. If you are two people, it will be a little faster.

Are mounting screws included?

Yes of course.

All the screws you need for assembly are included in the box.

In addition, we include 5 adhesive cable ties, so you can collect and hide the cables under the dashboard.

Is a Tablakala table going to change my life?

We always tend to say the same thing: buying a Tablakala is like signing up for the gym.

Joining the gym doesn't change your fitness, you have to GO to the gym.

In the same way, buying a Tablakala does not change your life, you have to USE your Tablakala: alternate between working sitting and standing.

A little bit every day is more than enough, but you have to use it.

If this is the first time you use a height table or Standing Desk, follow these basic tips:

  1. Start small. If you work sitting down, your body is not used to working standing up. Start with short periods of standing (15 minutes maximum), and you will see that little by little you can increase to 30 and up to 45 minutes. You can start, for example, by making your calls or video calls standing up.
  2. Memorize your sitting and standing working heights. So you can change the position with a single click. Take ergonomic work postures into account: both standing and sitting, a good start is usually to work with your elbows at 90º and naturally resting on the table, without straining your back or arms, but each one should find their ideal position in which don't force.
  3. Start the "start" periods by standing. You can leave the table already raised the night before and start the workday with a session of 15 or 30 minutes standing up. You can also leave it standing when you go to take a break to eat (or to go to the bathroom), so that when you return you start a standing session.

How long do shipments to Peninsular Spain take? Do they have a cost?

Deliveries to Peninsular Spain are made within 24-48 business hours from order confirmation.

Shipments to Peninsular Spain are included in the price.

For more information you can see the shipping policies .

Do you send to the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla?

Yes, we ship to the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla.

After all, we are a Spanish brand and they are Spanish provinces, why wouldn't we ship there?

For the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, a DNI or NIE will be requested to be able to make the shipment (and it is possible that these destinations have a small import cost at the destination, to be paid by the recipient, but we do not know this).

Here the shipping policy .

I care about the environment: where is this product recycled?

Our company is attached to and collaborates with the Eco-Raee's Foundation, through which we make monthly contributions to guarantee that the Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment in Spain is collected, classified, and treated correctly, for the benefit of the environment. environment and circular economy.

For more information about the Eco-Raee's Foundation, visit their website.

How do I recycle?
If you have a Tablakala table at home that you no longer use, the correct way to dispose of it is to take it to a Clean Point. Find your nearest Clean Point on one of these 2 pages:

If you are a company with several Tablakala tables that you no longer use, please contact us , and we will manage the industrial collection of waste.

¿Y dónde se recicla el embalaje o packaging?

Nuestra empresa también está adscrita y hacemos aportaciones económicas a Ecoembes, organización medioambiental que promueve la sostenibilidad a través del reciclaje.

El embalaje o packaging del Escritorio Elevable debes separarlo:

  • Por un lado, tirar la caja de cartón y los cartones protectores en el contenedor azul de papel y cartón.
  • Por otro lado, tirar los plásticos protectores en el contenedor amarillo de envases de plástico.

Para más información sobre Ecoembes, visita su sitio web.

Can I make returns?

Yes. By law, for any product, you always have 14 days to withdraw from your purchase and return a product.

Our return policy extends this period to 30 days: you can try your table for 30 days and if you are not satisfied, we will refund your money.

(Note: please note that in order for us to refund your order, you must return the table to us in its original packaging and with all the parts).

For any return management, contact us indicating your order number.

Does the product have a guarantee?

Yes. The guarantee is 3 years for all components, both the metal frame and the electrical components. Also for boards.

Contact us with your information and your order number for any question regarding the guarantee.

¿Puedo añadirle ruedas a mi Escritorio Elevable?

Sí, puedes añadirle ruedas a tu Tablakala, para moverla más fácilmente.

Las ruedas compatibles son las ruedas para muebles con tornillo, M8 x 15, que podrás encontrar en ferreterías o tiendas especializadas.

La mesa Tablakala viene con 4 estabilizadores bajo las patas (2 en cada pie), que pueden desatornillarse, y cambiar por 4 ruedas M8 x 15.

Ten en cuenta que deben ser ruedas de buena calidad y que soporten cierto peso.

¿Los tableros vienen con agujeros pre-perforados?

Después de muchos años probando diferentes opciones, nuestros tableros NO vienen con agujeros pre-perforados. Así es como lo prefieren nuestros clientes, debido a principalmente 2 razones:

1- Hay personas que prefieren ajustar el ancho de la mesa elevable, a su ancho preferido (que a veces no es el mismo para todos). Nuestra recomendación es ajustar la estructura de la mesa al borde del tablero (es decir, que la estructura de la mesa, quede al borde del tablero). Pero hay clientes que prefieren abrir un poco menos la estructura de la mesa, y dejar 5-10cm libres a cada lado del tablero.
2- Hay personas que prefieren un lado u otro del tablero, porque uno de los lados les guste más visualmente el acabado que el otro.

No obstante, podrás atornillar la estructura de la mesa al tablero sin problema como hacen todos nuestros clientes.

Recomendamos usar un destornillador eléctrico, ya que facilita la tarea, pero si no tiene destornillador eléctrico, puedes marcar o hacer un pequeño agujero con un punzón en cada tornillo, para después atornillar fácilmente con un destornillador manual normal.

I have some more doubt: can I contact you to solve it?

Of course. We are a Spanish company, and we provide customer service locally, in Spanish, English and French.

If you want to contact us with any questions, click here: Contact .

You can also contact us by whatsapp (button at the bottom right of this web page).

We usually take a maximum of 24-48 business hours to respond.